Gratitude – n.
The state of being appreciative of benefits received.
We should all be grateful about something, or someone. Period. There is no ifs and buts about it. To deny it is to deny everything that has been handed down to us by our predecessors and our loved ones. Cooperation is the cornerstone of civilization, we simply wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for the work and collective
efforts of others.
It is easy in our day and age to feel isolated, more connected than ever but lonely in our struggles. With that mindset, it is a slippery slope to seeing adversity where there is none through a “Me vs The World” vision. Showing the best of ourselves through social media only exacerbates the issue, as it can create a false reality in our mind in which we’re the only person failing in comparison.
A cat. Has gratitude for the immediate, and none of the anxiety.
Taken near St-Laurent River, quite close in fact.
This brings me to the point of gratitude. Being thankful —mindful of what is being given to us. When we practice seeing it, being conscious of it, it is a great eye opener to the generosity of this world and its people. We are truly not alone.
Now there is nothing groundbreaking about what I am telling you in this post, it’s been rehashed time and time again, but we don’t hear it enough in our daily lives. Being aware of those things, actively practicing gratitude, and to internalize that we are thankful to those who provide to us is intensely positive. From my own experience, an attitude more in line with these concepts really made me a better and more confident person. To know our own shortcomings and where someone else stepped in to help us makes us more self-aware.
A shot that wouldn’t exist if not for my better half pointing it out.
Taken at Montmorency Falls in Québec.
I’ve personally seen people with not even an iota of gratitude in their lives, believing to be the sole source of anything good in their world. Ignoring the multitude of examples just within arm’s reach of help and consideration by others; they are good at providing a believable façade to the external world, but know them long enough and you see through the cracks sadness and loneliness.
Those who know me personally are well aware of my chronically-depressed and terminally-anxious disposition. As such, I’ve had no choice but to find sources of light, joy, hope, and encouragement. The easiest I could see were in the immediate: my wife, family, friends, colleagues. All people. How amazing for an anti-social person to find it all in other humans. I’ve been subjected to so much good from so many persons, generosity beyond belief. When I opened my eyes I could see it all : the respect, the helping hands, the trust. All of which makes for a softer landing when things get rough; it is incredibly easier to get back up when you are mindful of this.
A source of light.
Taken in Old Québec.
One could argue that I am understating the efforts that some people have to exert to get some sort of progress and success in their lives, which is not my intent. What I am trying to do is simply to suggest to keep an eye out for those sources of help and cooperation, and recognize their existence. To take it a step further, and fully capitalize on that awareness, you can then communicate your gratitude to those who are providing you with so much.
Without going and making a list of all you are grateful for since the beginning of your life, just progressively make a point of thanking people as you go along and notice those small gestures, or big favors, any time someone is there for you. I find that being as positive and thankful as I can towards everybody is simply the best recipe for good relationships, and to nurture meaningful connections. Others will gravitate to you as if you’re some sort of anchor, a source of constant support and appreciation.
Yes, I am grateful for that tree / big bush / hedge combo. So pretty.
Taken from the living room window.
One may see all of this as some show of weakness, and to them I would reply that looking like I am the strongest isn’t part of my goals or values. I simply want to leave a lasting impression of kindness and honesty, something that is far more valuable to society. Why ignore those things that I am being given, and why not be thankful for them? We’re never the strongest, the smartest, most brilliant, most talented person there is, so why not take advantage of our differences and cooperate for a better existence?
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